38 Weeks

Well, as you can see, my tummy is not the only thing that's getting bigger. My poor little hands and feet have started to get a little swollen as well. It's actually probably been like this for a while but I haven't noticed it as much since it's summer and I get to wear flip flops all the time. However, yesterday it was kinda rainy so I tried to squeeze into a pair of regular shoes and realized just how much bigger they were. I couldn't even wear regular socks, I had to wear nylon knee highs to help my feet slide in and fit better. And of course my wedding ring hasn't fit for months now, but even the fake ring that Rob got me (1 1/2 sizes bigger) is even getting a bit snug. This week we pre-registered at the hospital where we will be delivering, and I think we have our bags packed and ready to go...just in case she wants to come a little early :)


Joi said…
poor girl! :) Your hand looks like another persons.

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