5 Months Old

Hard to believe that just 5 short months ago this little beauty was still living inside mom's tummy. She'll be going on her first plane ride soon. We leave for San Diego in a week and a half to visit Jenica's great-grandma Casler. If you'd like to see more photo's and read a little update from Jenica about how she's been doing, you can visit


Ken said…
Hi Shay and Rob

It looks like little Jenica is about ready to walk. Tell me it's not so.

They grow up SO VERY FAST

Shay Renee said…
She's still pretty wobbly. I had a good grip on her hands to keep her upright so I think she still has a ways to go before she's walking on her own. She did sit in a high chair by herself today at Olive Garden. You'll have to come see us as soon as your back from your southern adventures.

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