
pas⋅sion [pash-uhn]: a strong or extravagant fondness, enthusiasm, or desire for anything.

Today I was thinking about the word passion and what it means to me. There are many definitions of the word in the dictionary but the one above most accurately describes what I mean. I feel like it's so important for everyone to have things in their life that they are truly passionate about; Things that excite them and bring joy and fulfillment to their lives. I feel like this can be especially important to parents, who can all to easily get consumed in the lives of their little ones and forget to do things to take care of themselves first. I love Jenica with all my heart and I love being a mom, but I can't let that be the only thing that defines me.

I love photography! I get excited to take new pictures and learn new techniques. I love going through a batch of pictures that I've taken later on the computer to refine and edit them. I also love silly as that may sound. I love having an avenue to express myself and a way to share important events and milestones with friends and family. Recently, I've started training for my first race, and in the process, have truly developed a passion for running. Maybe not even running itself, but the idea of pushing myself to new limits physically that I never thought possible. All these things bring
added joy and happiness to my life, so my question for you today is... What are YOU passionate about???


Joi said…
Good question. At first a lot of thoughts came to mind which all in all is a good thing. Basically I think I am excited about having the time and resources to explore a new area of passion since by default going to school has filled that gap these past few years. I will keep you posted. Very excited to hear about your marathon adventures. Maybe you'll be in the Iron Man one day ;) Tell Jena to expect something in the mail this week!
Shay Renee said…
Thanks for your comment Joi! And just to clarify, there are no marathon plans in my future - just a 5K coming up in a few weeks :)

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