The Slide!

Jenica went down the slide at the park today all by herself! I think it helped that we were there with my friend Cathy and her 3 year old son Samuel, so she had someone to show her the ropes. Here she is checking things out from the bottom.

Then she decided that this would be the best way to get to the top.

That, however, just proved to be frustrating, but eventually she discovered the stairs.

Here she is checking out things from the top. This was right before she WALKED down the slide. It scared the begeebers out of me and Cathy but she actually did it quite gracefully and must have thought it was fun because she ended up trying it again!

Fortunately, when I showed her how much better it was to sit on her bottom, she decided that she liked that much better and proceeded to climb the stairs, sit herself down and slide down the slide numerous times with out any coaxing. Such a brave little 1 year old!

And there she goes!

Don't worry, she always landed just fine. This picture was taken when she decided it would be fun to lay down and roll around in the bark chips, and I thought it would be perfect to end with. Happy Fall everyone! Don't forget to turn your clocks back this weekend!


cheri said…
Climbing, Sliding, Swimming...she is turning into a real tri-athlete!!! I love you!!!
KellyR said…
She is a doll. I love that you let her be "her".

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