A note from Mom...

Dear Baby,

Your Daddy has been doing an excellent job of writing our weekly updates for the pictures we take, but I wanted to take a moment to share some of my thoughts as well. I'm excited to say that you are nearly 2/3 done with your time in my tummy! (That's about 66% for those of you who have noticed my fondness to percentages lately.) Despite all the changes, and yes, sometimes discomforts that pregnancy brings, I really do enjoy it for the most part. Right now, it's about 3am and I'm up because you are up. You usually decide to be the most active sometime in the middle of the night, which can make it hard to get a good nights sleep, but is also a great time for me to spend some quality time with you and the Lord. One of my favorite things to do right now is to get up and read my devotions and then just stare at my tummy as you toss and turn in there. I'm still in awe that another life has been created and will soon be born into our family. We are getting excited to meet you as we get closer and closer to your due date, and I just wanted to tell you how much we all love you already! Your big sister Jenica likes to tell people you are in her tummy, which I think is adorable, and although I don't think she fully understands the concept of you being born and coming to live with us, she is still really excited and would probably wear her big sister t-shirt every day if we would let her!

Keep cookin' little one and we'll see you in a few short months! Love, Mommy


Joi said…
Sounds like your recliners are earning their keep! Its going to be great to see Jenica "getting it" and becoming the best big sister. I wonder if BB#2 will also have a lot of hair. Double hugs :)

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