40 Weeks

Well, my due date has come and gone. Yesterday was rough but I'm doing better today, in part because we finally got some good news about the house we've been trying to buy since January. I honestly just never thought I would have this baby LATE, especially after Jenica was born a day early, but I guess every baby is different and I will know next time (if there is a next time) not to get my hopes up and just be content with whatever Gods plan is. But all that aside, she can come anytime... really! It's not that I'm terribly uncomfortable. I definitely recommend staying in shape and active during pregnancy, now having done it both ways, this pregnancy has been much easier and more enjoyable. But, it's also that much harder to not be able to do the things that I have become so use to doing (running for example... I can maybe do a block at a time now but even that is uncomfortable and I miss it!) I also miss taking pictures. I did a shoot with Jenica in the studio this morning that went fine but I haven't booked any clients for a few weeks now since I don't feel I could provide the best service given my limited mobility and the fact that I "could" go into labor at any time. But I am excited to get back to taking pictures and have shoots booked in just a couple of weeks since I was sure that by then I would be at least 3 - 4 weeks post recovery, but if this baby doesn't hurry up and get here I might have to reschedule those, which will be unfortunate since my summer weekends are already looking pretty full with all the bookings I got with my May special (thanks everyone who reserved a session - I'm excited!)

Anyway, I suppose that's enough ranting and raving for now. I can only imagine what I will look like if I have to take a 41 week picture... but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it. For now, if you think of it, just say a prayer for us that baby girls arrival is just a short time away! Thanks everyone!


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