7 Months Old!

My baby is growing up too fast! She started sitting by herself last month, which I think made Christmas much more fun for her! She loves eating food now and actually has a hard time drinking her bottles anymore because she'd rather have yummy veggies and cereal. She had almost doubled her birth weight at her last doctors check up. She still looks so much like a baby to me compared to Jenica at this age because she still hardly has any hair! Except for one little curl on the right hand side, she has about the same amount of hair that she had when she was born! Jenica on the other hand... well, take a look for yourself!


Joi said…
Adorable! Love the side by side picture in the same onesie... they don't look alike at this age. Don't worry Tenley your hair is coming :)
Love this picture of the girls! I'm so doing this with some of the clothes I'm saving if baby 2 is a girl!

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