Happy 6 Months!

I can't believe my happy handsome little man is already 6 months old! He steals my heart more and more every day and I can't imagine our family without him! He continues to bless me with his charming personality and adorable smiles, and the only time he really gets upset is when he's hungry. Let me tell you... this boy can EAT! He started solids a few weeks ago and absolutely loves it. So far there hasn't really been anything he doesn't like, although peas are his favorite and he hasn't seemed as into the sweet stuff as I thought he would be. He started rolling over consistently about a month ago and loves to have tummy time, especially when big sisters are there to entertain him with toys. He also loves to bounce in his jumper and can entertain himself for quite some time. He's in the 95th percentile for length, which means he pretty much outgrew his carrier car seat already, which is fine with me because he's almost to heavy for me to carry when he's in that thing anyway. This weekend we get to take a road trip to Idaho to visit Grandpa Ken - our fist long car ride with 3 little ones! Pray for us! lol


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