Going home...

We are counting the days until we leave this sabbatical of sorts that we have been on here in Mexico for the past 6 months. Things haven't turned out like I hoped they would, and I would be lying if I said that my faith hasn't been shaken, but I still believe that my God will work all things together for good.

And our time here has been good in many ways. As a family, we have truly been blessed to be able to come here and enjoy the weather, the extremely low cost of living, and be able to introduce our kids to another culture and language.

But I can't wait to go home.

Those of you who have followed our journey might be asking where exactly home is for us these days. As you might recall, last May we sold our 5 bedroom house in suburbia and downsized to a small 2nd story apartment for the summer before taking the leap to move to Mazatlan for the winter. (You can read more on that here if you missed it.)

We have a small storage room at one of our rental houses in Molalla with a handful of personal effects, our bikes, and honestly I don't even remember what else. What little furniture we had left we hauled to Idaho and it will be used to furnish a 600 square foot "guest cabin" on my dad's property where I grew up.

Ever since I moved away from the property 25 years ago, I honestly had no desire to move back. But something has changed in me and now, I can't wait to go home.

I heard this song one night as I watched the sun set into the Pacific Ocean, from high atop the Posada Freeman hotel here in Mazatlan (click here to see pictures... it's gorgeous!) and I knew that Idaho would be home again... at least for the summer.

Take a listen...

Now I didn't break my leg when I was 6, and if there was anything "hand-rolled" that I was smoking at 15 years old, it wasn't cigarettes - but for some reason the song just resonated with me.

And I can't wait to go home.

I believe that God is going to use this summer to bring healing to areas of my life that I didn't even know needed to be healed. He's already started the work in me, and I want to be brave enough to share my journey with you. You see, I've spent most of my life being ashamed of my past instead of letting God use it for good, just like his word promises in Romans 8:28.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him.

There isn't a castle on the hill where I'm from in Idaho (that I know of anyway), and there obviously won't be beautiful ocean sunsets like the ones here in Mazatlan, but the sunset over Lake Pend Orielle is pretty amazing too.

And I can't wait to go home. 

P.S. I promise not to drive 90 miles an hour Dad 🚖 Thanks for having a home for us to come home to 🏠⛰ See you in a couple weeks 😘


Ken said…
Yea you better not be dring 90, nowdays the state patrol even makes out here to Clark Fork and they got that new fangled Radar thing.
See you soon :)

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