Where do we go from here?

My heart is saddened this morning at the news of what took place in my home country last night. The shooting in Las Vegas is being called "the worst mass shooting in US history."

Thankfully no one I know personally was injured in the attacks, but I couldn't hold back the tears when I tried to explain to my 9 year old daughter what had happened. I shouldn't have to have this conversation with her, but I would rather she hear about it from me than from someone else. 

One of her most vivid childhood memories from her school back in the States was having to go into lock down because there was the possibility of an armed man on campus. After that, "active shooter" drills became a normal part of her school experience. 

It's easy for us to place blame when things like this happen. But that's not the answer. I wish I knew what the answer was - I'm sure we all wish we knew... 

What makes people do these crazy evil things?

Mental illness, prescription drugs, violent video games? 

A combination of these, coupled with a society that has become detached, more interested in our devises than the relationships happening around us?

All I know for sure is that things like that don't happen here in Mazatlan and for that I am thankful. 

My heart goes out to all those who are grieving right now. Hug your babies tight, be kind, and don't give up on humanity. 



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