NW Road Trip Day 1

We will call this day 1 of our road trip, even though we left late last night. Since we got an early start we had time to stop at Spokane’s Riverfront Park and feed the garbage goat, something I did when I was the kids’ age (that goat is OLD! Lol)

We biked around the park, the kids love sliding down the slide of the giant red wagon (which I just realized I didn’t get a picture of but I did do a Facebook live. I was a little distracted because right as we biked into the park, lots of cop cars showed up and right across the bridge from where we were they had to pull their guns and take down an armed man that had apparently been attacking another man. Praise God for keeping us safe.)

We finished our ride with Kona ice then headed into Coeur d’Alene to meet up with my dad and spend some time on the lake. We parked the RV on the campus of North Idaho College, where I got my associates degree back in 1999, and walked across the street to this beautiful beach. 

The water was the perfect temperature to cool off in and it felt great to just lay in the sun. Rob napped and Jenica hung out in the RV doing some crafty stuff. We swam and visited with my dad and we even blew up our new kayak for the first time and took it out for its maiden voyage.

Then we grabbed some groceries and headed out to the Ravenwood RV resort to meet up with Robs sister and family. The kids swam in the pool while I grilled up burgers and dogs and corn on the cob for dinner. We ended the night with rummy and an early bedtime so we will be well rested for Silverwood tomorrow!


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