My last day as a 42 Year Old

Turning 43 isn’t really a huge milestone. Nothing major is changing or happening in my life, yet I still felt like I wanted to document how I’m feeling as I ease into my “mid-40’s”. 

I’m not the skinniest or fittest I’ve ever been, I don’t live in the biggest house or make the most money, I don’t feel like I’m the most involved in church right now, and I definitly don’t feel as involved in my kids education as I have in years past. (Thanks to vacine mandates where I live, I’m not even allowed to volunteer at my daughters school, and she’s required to wear a mask from the time she gets on the bus until she gets home 8 hours later.)

The state of the world is not how I ever expected it to be, in my lifetime atleast. Inflation is out of control, the cost of housing here in Oregon is completely ridiculous, but you know what? Despite all of that, I’m probably the most content I have ever been in my entire life. I’m happy with the way I look, even though I probably weigh 40lbs over my “Weight Watchers Goal Weight.” Even more importantly, I’m happy with who I am on the inside. I wish it hadn’t taken me so much of my life to get to this place, but I’m so thankful to be here now.

Tomorrow I get to go celebrate with some of my favorite ladies, so I’m off to bed to get a good nights sleep. 

If you’re reading this, give yourself a little extra love and grace tonight. You deserve it!


Revathi said…
Hey, it was a nice read! Happy Birthday! Hope you had a good day and have a good year ahead. :)
Clover04750 said…
Happy Birthday, you young thang! You could totally fib and say you’re 30. I love that you have your contentment and still give yourself the hope of room to grow. That’s SO important to one’s quality of life. Happy people live longer, you know. I prefer to say that only the good d*e young, so ima live forever, but I like how you put it better.

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