
Showing posts from September, 2024

A Confession of Sorts

I have a confession to make. I guess I’m kind of hoping that if I speak this out loud, it will help me let go and not continue to feel this way. I am so jealous of people who have large, loving families that hang out together, vacation together, and just do life along side eachother. Yes, I just got back from a big family gathering in Southern California and I am so incredibly blessed to have amazing aunts and uncles and cousins. My grandparents, my dad‘s parents, who have since passed years ago, raised five pretty incredible kids who have gone on to have families of their own and I truly feel so fortunate to be a part of that Casler clan. However, I didn’t grow up close to any of them so besides a holiday visit or a summer vacation here and there I never spent much time with them. My own family, mom, dad and little sister, lived remotely in North Idaho for the first 12 years of my life. Then my mom decided to move to Missouri and I followed less than a year later.  Now in adulthood, I