
Showing posts from July, 2024

Screen Addiction is Ruining Our Summer

That might be a little overly dramatic, but I know I’m not the only mom feeling this way. Over the last few weeks I’ve had conversations with a few other mom friends who have been feeling similar frustrations. Screens are addicting. We know that now, but in many ways it seems like it’s too late, the damage is done. We are a world addicted to screens. It’s not just a kids problem, and I’m aware of the irony as I sit here on my own screen and write this blog post, while my kids happily splash around in our friends pool. I feel like a hypocrite telling them to get off their phones and screens and enjoy the real world, while I type a way on mine, but I do also see the value that technology has brought to my life. Without the internet, the cloud, and mobile hotspots, I wouldn’t be able to have the business and career that I have, that allows me to do things like spend afternoons at the pool with my kids in the summertime. But it does make it difficult to ask them to do something that I can’

Teenage Wisdom

I came across this letter in my drawer the other day while I was cleaning out my nightstand. It is so meaningful and profound coming from my teen or tween (I think my daughter was 12 when she wrote this to me.) The adolescent years are tough. I wouldn't want to go back and repeat them, and I want to make sure I am healthy and equipped to be a good mom and role model during this transitional time in their lives. I want to be able to look back and re-read this during the challenging times that I know are ahead as I enter the next 6 - 7 years of having at least two teenagers in the house. Thank you my dear, sweet daughter for taking the time to write this. You are right, WE'LL get through this together and despite the challenges of adolescence I am so honored and blessed to be your mom, and I truly love your company (most of the time). lol Love you so much and I will always be here for you no matter what!

Hostel Getaway

Not hostile. Hostel.  Definition: an inexpensive lodging facility that usually has dormitory style sleeping arrangements and sometimes offers meals and activities.  It might seem a little strange to share a room with a bunch of strangers, but I actually love it. Don't get me wrong, I love a good hotel room all to myself with a private bathroom and if I could afford my own private soaking pool somewhere, I would certainly enjoy that as well.   But hotel rooms have gotten expensive. $300 - $400 a night! I just can't afford that for a quick weekend getaway. Airbnb's are great, I'm not opposed to renting rooms on there either but I guess I just like the feel of hostile style lodging.  I didn't realize it until I got here, but I think my first experience in a hostel was with my dad when we were backpacking around Europe together in 2002.  Being here these past couple days has been a special time of reflecting on his life, the good times we had together and how much he ha